Enter the Pet ‘n Shape Film Festival
Show off your pup, share your talent, and you could win cash!
Contest Ends: Tuesday, April 30th, 2019
1) Create a video about how you and your dog envision the concept of “sharing happiness”, that is, the way you and your dog interact, play, and share the happiness of life. The video should be a story about you and your dog, dogs interacting with each other, or just simply being happy.
2) Connect to your personal YouTube account and make sure it is set to “public” so that your video is viewable.
3) Upload the video to your own YouTube account using the hashtag #shapeofhappiness (the “Hashtag”).
1) Your video must be no longer than 75 seconds in length.
2) The story should feature at least one dog.
3) The video may be scripted or non-scripted.
4) Your story can be told with or without dialogue.
See complete contest rules here.
Questions? Reach out to ashley@petnshape.com for assistance!